Disclaimer for www.VitaboostElite.nl

This disclaimer governs your use of the website www.VitaboostElite.nl, provided by VitaboostElite.nl. By accessing this website, you accept and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this disclaimer.

Intellectual Property

The information on this website is available for free as long as you do not copy, distribute, misuse, or otherwise exploit it. You may only reuse the information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Reproduction of text, photos, or any other materials on this website is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of VitaboostElite.nl. All intellectual property rights belong to VitaboostElite.nl.

No Warranty of Accuracy

If applicable:

While we strive to ensure accurate and up-to-date prices on our website, errors, including programming or typographical errors, may occur. Such errors do not constitute a contractual or binding agreement with VitaboostElite.nl.

VitaboostElite.nl endeavors to maintain an up-to-date and comprehensive website. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information or content provided on this website, and we disclaim any liability for any errors or omissions.

The information and products offered on this website are provided without any warranties or claims of accuracy. We reserve the right to modify, remove, or repost materials without prior notice.

Medical Statements

We do not make any medical claims. When discussing our products, we refer to them as fashion and lifestyle items. The use of these products is at your own risk, and we do not assume any responsibility for the use of hemp-based products.

Age Restrictions and Allergic Reactions

Our products on www.VitaboostElite.nl are intended for a general audience. We do not recommend the sale of our products to third parties, and we bear no responsibility for such transactions. This also applies to the free provision of our products to third parties.

In the event of an allergic reaction caused by an ingredient or product from VitaboostElite.nl, we do not accept any responsibility. You assume any associated risks.

For complaints, returns, and additional information, please refer to our general terms and conditions or consult the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.


In the event of changes to this disclaimer, the most recent version will be published on www.VitaboostElite.nl.

(Note: Please ensure that the content of this disclaimer aligns with the actual practices and policies of VitaboostElite.nl. You may need to consult with legal counsel to ensure that this disclaimer is appropriate for your specific situation.)